Warning Road Signs

Please see our Regulatory Road Signs Catalogue below.

All road signs are manufactured in our facilities in Knocktopher, Co. Kilkenny. All signs and structures are CE marked under the European Standard I.S. EN 12899-1:2007 – Fixed, Vertical Road Traffic Signs. This certification allows us place the CE mark on all our manufactured signs which is now mandatory under the Construction Products Regulations since the 1st of July 2013

If you require any further information or indeed a custom built sign,

please call us at 056-7786702, submit an enquiry, 0r go to our WEBSHOP


W 001 Crossroads W 002L Side Road Left W 002R Side Road Right W 003L T-Junction Type 1 Left

W 003R T-Junction Type 1 Right W 004L T-Junction Type 2 Left W 004R T-Junction Type 2 Right W 005L Y-Junction LeftW 005R Y-Junction RightW 006L Crossroads at Sharp Corner LeftW 006R Crossroads at Sharp Corner RightW 007LR Staggered Junctions Left RightW 007RL Staggered Junctions Right LeftW 008L Two Junctions on LeftW 008R Two Junctions on RightW 009L Side Road on Outside of LeftBendW 009R Side Road on Outside of Right BendW 010L Side Road on Inside of Left BendW 010R Side Road on Inside of Right BendW 011L Crossroads on Left BendW 011R Crossroads on Right BendW 012L Side Road on Dual Carriageway Left with CR BreakW 012R Side Road on Dual Carriageway Right with CR BreakW 013 Side Road on Dual Carriageway No CR BreakW 014 Crossroads on Dual CarriagewayW 017L Staggered Crossroads Ahead LeftW 017R Staggered Crossroads Ahead RightW 018 Junction with Major Road at Sharp Corner LeftW 018R Junction with Major Road at Sharp Corner RightW 019 Crossroads Ahead at Dual CarriagewayW 020 T-Junction Ahead at Dual Carriageway with CV BreakW 021L Staggered Crossroads Ahead at Dual Carriageway LeftW 021R Staggered Crossroads Ahead at Dual Carriageway RightW 022 T Junction Ahead at Dual Carriageway No CR BreakW 030 Merging Traffic from LeftW 031 Merging with Traffic from RightW 032 Merging and Diverging TrafficW 033 LoopW 034 Compact Junction 2 LanesW 034 Compact Junction 3 LanesW 040 Stop AheadW 041 Yield AheadW 042 Traffic SignalsW 043 Roundabout AheadW 044 Mini Roundabout AheadW 050L Sharp Corner LeftW 050R Sharp Corner RightW 051L Sharp Bend LeftW 051R Sharp Bend RightW 052L Series of Sharp Corner LeftW 052R Series of Sharp Corners RightW 053L Series of Sharp Bends LeftW 053R Series of Sharp Bends RightW 061L Single Chevron LeftW 061R Single Chevron RightW 062L Multiple Chevrons 2 LeftW 062R Multiple Chevrons 2 RightW 063L Multiple Chevrons 3 LeftW 063R Multiple Chevrons 3 RightW 070L Road Narrows on LeftW 070R Road Narrows on RightW 071 Road Narrows on Both SidesW 080 Two Way TrafficW 081 Two Way Traffic CrossingW 082 Three Lanes of Traffic. Two with one againstW 083 Three Lanes of Traffic One with two againstW 091L Lane Loss on Left. Two to one laneW 091R Lane Loss on Right. Two to one laneW 092L Lane Loss on Left Three to two lanesW 092R Lane Loss on Right. Three to two lanesW 093L Lane Loss on Left Four to three lanesW 093R Lane Loss on Right Four to three lanesW 094 Road DividesW 095 Dual Carriageway EndsW 100 Start of Passing LaneW 101 One Lane SectionW 102 Two Lane SectionW 103 Start of Climbing LaneW 105 Steep DescentW 106 Steep AscentW 110 Restricted HeadroomW 111 Overhead Electrical CablesW 112 Maximum Vehicle LengthW 113 Maximum Vehicle WidthW 114 Maximum Gross Weight Traffic ManagementW 114 Maximum Gross Weight Traffic Management 7.5tW 115 Maximum Gross Weight SafetyW 116 Maximum Axle WeightW 117 Prohibited Number of AxlesW 120 Level Crossing with Flashing Red SignalsW 121 Level Crossing with No Flashing Red SignalsW 122 1L Countdown Marker LeftW 122.1R Countdown Marker RightW 122.2L Countdown Marker LeftW 122.2R Countdown Marker RightW 122.3L Countdown Marker Left W 122.3R Countdown Marker RightW 123 Risk of GroundingW 124 Tram CrossingW 125 Tram Advisory SpeedW 130 Road HumpW 131 Road DepressionW 132 Humpback BridgeW 133 Uneven RoadW 134 Slippery RoadW 135 Soft VergeW 140 PedestriansW 140A Pedestrian RouteW 141 School AheadW 142 Children CrossingW 143 CyclistsW 144 Slippery for CyclistsW 145 Cyclists DismountW 150 Accompanied HorsesW 151 Cattle or Farm AnimalsW 152 SheepW 153 Deer or Wild AnimalsW 154 Jaunting CarsW 160 Unprotected WaterW 161 FordW 162 TunnelW 163 Queues LikelyW 164 Falling RocksW 165 Low flying AircraftW 166 CrosswindW 167 Opening BridgeW 168 TractorsW 169A Drive on Left RepeaterW 169 Drive on Left Entry PointW 170 Other HazardW 183 Barrier Board Three BarsW 184 Barrier Board 4 BarsW 185 Barrier Board 5 BarsDNP Do Not PassTC 400 - Traffic Calming 400m